About us

Honestly, writing for About Us page was one of the most challenging tasks. Mainly, because our aim is to make Chronix Pro not personal project belonging to two guys, but mutual discussion board where artists from all over the world will contribute. So, we, as founders regard ourselves only as the people who started the project. More important is not who are founders of Chronix Pro, but who are helping this project. That’s why we rely and will rely on other artists from all over the world. It is obvious, that proper selection of dancers that cannot be made only by us. It is obvious, also, that we share our own opinion by making the first collections, but our main idea is to make more dancers join our cause to help us find these hidden jams of hip hop community, such as young dancers that are about to change the scene dramatically. Current talents who cannot afford to travel abroad a lot or just are not so much into social media, but are supporting local jams deserve to be noticed, because the real support is when attending event physically. Real skills are shown on real events, not on polished trailers. So, our message is to keep eye on our platform but mostly to attend and support local and big events.

Anyway, we are two bboys from Bulgaria, united by the idea to give more exposure to artists who are influencing our community positively. Before partners, we are best friends for more than 20 years, which is the key for stable collaboration for Chronix Pro. Currently, we live and work from Bulgaria and Russia. Read more about our idea here.