Intact, tell us please what was the feeling of the dance back in the days when you start? Did you expect the impact that it has on your life?

I had no idea how bboying and hip hop as a culture would influence on my life. I started cause it was something unbelievable for me, I felt that energy, that movement. Once I saw breaking and heard the music I just felt it inside of me – this is exactly what I wanted to do. Not sure that people can feel this kind of magic nowadays cause breaking became super popular nowadays, online available, music changed a lot too. That time when I started it was not so popular, but it was something special. It was some kind of ninja shit 🙂 From the very first moment I fell in love with this music and vibe. Hip Hop and breaking gave me so many opportunities to see how people live around the world, to learn from them and experience through my life, it influenced on my personality, views, values and the way how I am accepting everything around me.

Can you explain us your understanding of the meaning of “original”? Does it still have power nowadays and what is the main problem of the new generation?

I think people are missing the correct meaning of originality in breaking and hip hop. Many things have been done before hip hop culture and breaking actually even appeared – it is true. But to say that hip hop didn’t add anything to what have been done – is wrong for me!
Any of the moves have been created by someone – true! Through years it became fundamental of our dance and we are learning it to give respect and to keep a history. It became a platform for the next steps and development of this style as a dance. People have been inspired by those who were before them and created their approaches and even new moves, transitions, variations and concepts. This is normal to be inspired and create new stuff based on what been created before, but it has to be through your approach, it has to be you. The most interesting of this game is to keep on searching! Nowadays people started to repeat ideas of others, taking signature movements of other people and even don’t give a fuck about this, not learning what happened before, which is very strange for me. My question is like this: what would happen if people before us would think like many people nowadays – everything is created, there is no originality in hip hop, you don’t own a shit in this dance, there is no bitting – than how, the hell, this dance and culture would grow? How would different styles appear? How would new approach appear? We would stuck on one place with same stuff, just repeating what had been created and this is it. I’m even talking about science or other things that been created by people. Try to imagine if someone would get a Nobel Prize today for reopening an electricity? What do u think? 🙂 Strange, right? But instead people are learning these laws and theorems to create new stuff – this is basic for new achievements!
An ignorance of this question is leading to low level of creative thinking, to disrespect of what people have done before and basically just an execution of couple most popular elements etc.

How important is for an event or festival to have a good DJ? Can you name us other must-have things for one event to become good one?

Music is creating a movement! It gives a mood, energy, vibe. Call it as you want but if music doesn’t make you move, then why are dancing? Music defines a style of a dance and it gives a particular rhythm that is a part of this dance style – groove! When music is changing – the way of dancing is changing, style is changing. What people started to do first – breaking or breaks and funk? – good question. From what I’ve learned – music came first and after people felt the way they wanna move to this music – makes sense, right? Or people created a dance style first and than decided that they need some music breaks specially for this dance? – sounds weird!
A good DJ at the event is one of the most important factors, he basically is controlling the vibe, the groove at a jam. He gives you the inner feeling.
Of course some other factors – a venue, lights, MC who has some good voice and is a part of the community; people who are a part of this jam, guests, supporters, local b-boys and b-girls, their knowledge and attitude. And very important – organizers of the event. They have to be deeply into this culture and first of all create a vibe on their jam as they would love to dance to.

Tell us, please, how important is to have a good footwork position? Do you think whether nowadays young generation understand the essence of footwork?

I would say that I see an importance to have a good position in every level of breaking. Everything is connected. Learn as much as you can. That will give you an opportunity to create and feel free inside of your movement and body type! You will find out what is good for your body, your strong and weak sides.

Explain us how do you understand the meaning of “raw breaking”?

“Raw” is just natural thing. You just feel it in the people or not. It is a natural vibe and power of personality which you actually can see in real life and it is also reflecting in the dance and style. I would say for me it is kind of level of expression – how really a person connecting his personality in a normal life with what he is doing on the floor or any other activity. When it is working then you feel it – “this guy is real”, “he is raw” – his energy is talking about him!

Is it better with or without social media? How does it affect the young generation and nowadays b-boys?

There are good and bad things. I don’t want to say it was better without it or it is better now – it is just different. I’m using social media, too. What makes difference is an ability to use your brain and education while you are using it, make conclusions and research – this is what makes a difference. Same is with books, magazines, movies, documentaries etc.

Name b-boys who deserve to be known?

Torb The Roach from Norway, Kakaroachez Crew.

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Core Team is thankful to Intact for this interview and support to our idea of spreading valuable knowledge.

*Used images are taken from the web and belongs to their respected owners.

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